Organizing Committee

The organizing committee consists of:

Sina Brizzio, Frauenfeld
Samuel Frempong, Nürensdorf
Irene Kessler, Oberarth
Michèle Kessler, Zürich
Rolf Leuzinger, Uznach


The members of the organizing committee work on a voluntary basis, i.e. without remuneration of time and travel expenses; nevertheless, there are still considerable costs for printing and mailing the invitations, renting the loudspeaker system, aperitifs, bus shuttle from the train station to the country inn, etc., which we can only cover through voluntary donations.

We gladly accept donations on our postal account:

OK Ex Ghana-Swiss Meeting
4450 Sissach

IBAN: CH84 0900 0000 8745 0562 6

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